A woman from Melbourne received millions of dollars due to an error when funds were returned on Crypto.com.

Crypto.com is a Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange platform. The number of users of this platform is more than 50 million people. In addition, Crypto.com have their own cryptocurrency Cronos.

Crypto.com made a monumental mistake when returning funds. In fact, there could have been even more mistakes, but so far only one has been revealed. What happened? A woman from Melbourne — Thevamanogari Manivel — received millions of dollars due to an error during a refund. She received $7.1 million instead of $68.

Crypto.com made this mistake back in May last year, but only after seven months they managed to detect the error. Last December Crypto.com spotted the mistake in their documents and found a woman who suddenly became very rich. In turn, the recipient Manivel made a big mistake by spending the money she had accidentally received.

With this money, Manivel bought a luxury mansion with five (!) bedrooms as a gift to her sister Gangadory. The mansion in Craigieburn cost Manivel more than $900 thousand. You can admire this luxury house on the picture below.

Five bedroom luxury mansion. Source: 7news

Crypto.com filed a lawsuit against Manivel and her sister. During a hearing a judge decided that this windfall needed to be returned to the rightful owners. Now, the sisters will have to say goodbye to the five bedroom luxury mansion. The trial will continue in October.

Well, if you accidentally get a few million dollars, think carefully and don’t rush out to spend it. Otherwise, the law will not look kindly on you. We continue to observe.

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