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UPD: OpenSea to Allow Users to Submit Bulk NFT Listings and Purchases

On October 5, OpenSea NFT marketplace announced on Twitter that it is now officially allowing users to list and purchase up to 30 digital collectible items in a single flow.

Bulk buying means that one can add up to 30 items from the same chain to the cart and then finalise the purchase in a single transaction, reducing costs for gas fees and just simply making less moves. Bulk listings can be accessed from the collected items tab by clicking on the ‘+’ symbol when hovering over an item card or by clicking ‘list for sale’ in the ‘More Options’ drop-down. Then one can list up to 30 items for sale.

These innovations on OpenSea, along with the other recent ones we wrote about here, are being implemented in a time when the platform’s volume has plummeted and daily and monthly transactions are declining. We continue to observe.

This is an update to this article.

