


Payment System   -   Jun 16, 2023 WeChat Pay Users Get Palm Print Payments, WeChat Gets User Palm Prints
Hand palm scan China

WeChat Pay users can now pay with their palms at the Beijing subway. The biometric payment mechanism will soon be rolled out to other locations, but privacy concerns might setback its adoption

Tencent Wechat Weixin 1+1+1 Money 2020
Adoption   -   Jun 17, 2023 Tencent Plans to Make Cross-Border Payments as Easy as Sending a Text

The company also unveiled its “1+1+1” model, which aims to create an open global payment network, harnessing Chinese innovation to drive borderless payment.

by Jack Martin
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Adoption   -   Jun 17, 2023 Tencent Plans to Make Cross-Border Payments as Easy as Sending a Text
Tencent Wechat Weixin 1+1+1 Money 2020

The company also unveiled its “1+1+1” model, which aims to create an open global payment network, harnessing Chinese innovation to drive borderless payment.

by Jack Martin
Payment System   -   Jun 16, 2023 WeChat Pay Users Get Palm Print Payments, WeChat Gets User Palm Prints
Hand palm scan China

WeChat Pay users can now pay with their palms at the Beijing subway. The biometric payment mechanism will soon be rolled out to other locations, but privacy concerns might setback its adoption

by Eva Senzaj Pauram
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