


Adoption Tools   -   May 01, 2023 Someone is Silently Draining Small Crypto Balances from Private Wallets — Crypto Whistleblower
MetaMask logo, Trust Wallet logo, Wallet with fire emoji

MetaMask partner company revealed an ongoing crypto wallet raiding scheme that resulted in more than $10 million worth of crypto stolen. Because the hackers targeted wallets with relatively small balances and activity, they managed to remain unnoticed for several months.

Binance web3 wallet
Binance   -   Nov 08, 2023 Binance Debuts its First Web3 Wallet: Capable of Bridging CeFi to DeFi

The wallet uses a new security system and has tools to assess smart contract risks. It comes at a time when Binance faces a decline in market share and ongoing regulatory issues.

Alexander Mardar
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Binance   -   Nov 08, 2023 Binance Debuts its First Web3 Wallet: Capable of Bridging CeFi to DeFi
Binance web3 wallet

The wallet uses a new security system and has tools to assess smart contract risks. It comes at a time when Binance faces a decline in market share and ongoing regulatory issues.

Alexander Mardar
Adoption Tools   -   May 01, 2023 Someone is Silently Draining Small Crypto Balances from Private Wallets — Crypto Whistleblower
MetaMask logo, Trust Wallet logo, Wallet with fire emoji

MetaMask partner company revealed an ongoing crypto wallet raiding scheme that resulted in more than $10 million worth of crypto stolen. Because the hackers targeted wallets with relatively small balances and activity, they managed to remain unnoticed for several months.

Alex Harutunian
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