
Rainbow Wallet

Rainbow Wallet

Rainbow Wallet ‘Fox Hunt’ Designed to Entice Metamask Users
Metamask   -   Dec 17, 2023 Rainbow Wallet ‘Fox Hunt’ Designed to Entice Metamask Users

Rainbow Wallet incentivizes users to switch from Metamask with a unique points system, potentially leading to token airdrop. The campaign has already seen a surge in user numbers, jumping from 400k to over 6.3 million.

Alexander Mardar
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Metamask   -   Dec 17, 2023 Rainbow Wallet ‘Fox Hunt’ Designed to Entice Metamask Users
Rainbow Wallet ‘Fox Hunt’ Designed to Entice Metamask Users

Rainbow Wallet incentivizes users to switch from Metamask with a unique points system, potentially leading to token airdrop. The campaign has already seen a surge in user numbers, jumping from 400k to over 6.3 million.

Alexander Mardar
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