


Ethereum   -   Nov 16, 2022 Vitalik Buterin Announced The Scourge – a New Stage in the Ethereum Roadmap
Vitalik Buterin Announced The Scourge – a New Stage in the Ethereum Roadmap

The Scourge is a new stage in the Ethereum Roadmap. Why is it needed and what will it bring to the network?

Ethereum Faces Censorship Concerns Amid Rising MEV-Boost Use
Ethereum   -   Dec 09, 2023 Ethereum Faces Censorship Concerns Amid Rising MEV-Boost Use

With over 90% of Ethereum blocks now being built using MEV-Boost middleware, concerns over centralized block builders and increased transaction censorship have emerged. This shift challenges Ethereum's foundational principles of independence and decentralization.

Alexander Mardar
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Ethereum   -   Dec 09, 2023 Ethereum Faces Censorship Concerns Amid Rising MEV-Boost Use
Ethereum Faces Censorship Concerns Amid Rising MEV-Boost Use

With over 90% of Ethereum blocks now being built using MEV-Boost middleware, concerns over centralized block builders and increased transaction censorship have emerged. This shift challenges Ethereum's foundational principles of independence and decentralization.

Alexander Mardar
Ethereum   -   Nov 16, 2022 Vitalik Buterin Announced The Scourge – a New Stage in the Ethereum Roadmap
Vitalik Buterin Announced The Scourge – a New Stage in the Ethereum Roadmap

The Scourge is a new stage in the Ethereum Roadmap. Why is it needed and what will it bring to the network?

Alex Harutunian
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