


Worldwide   -   Jun 21, 2022 Sora Offered Its Help To Sri Lanka. What Background Does This Organization Have?
Sora Offered Its Help To Sri Lanka. What Background Does This Organization Have?

The Sora Community offered its help to the Sri Lankan government to handle the current crisis, drawing on their relevant experience in the region.

Cambodia’s Bakong Digital Currency Connects to China’s Alipay+ Network
Payment System   -   Nov 23, 2023 Cambodia’s Bakong Digital Currency Connects to China’s Alipay+ Network

Cambodia's CBDC-like Bakong payment system will allow users to access Alipay+ merchants and vice versa.

by Alex Harutunian
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Payment System   -   Nov 23, 2023 Cambodia’s Bakong Digital Currency Connects to China’s Alipay+ Network
Cambodia’s Bakong Digital Currency Connects to China’s Alipay+ Network

Cambodia's CBDC-like Bakong payment system will allow users to access Alipay+ merchants and vice versa.

by Alex Harutunian
Worldwide   -   Jun 21, 2022 Sora Offered Its Help To Sri Lanka. What Background Does This Organization Have?
Sora Offered Its Help To Sri Lanka. What Background Does This Organization Have?

The Sora Community offered its help to the Sri Lankan government to handle the current crisis, drawing on their relevant experience in the region.

by Observers
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