Microsoft is a company that needs no introduction. We are sure that everyone who has used a computer at least once has interacted with a Microsoft product.

One of the most famous Microsoft products is Internet Explorer - web browser. This program has long been a meme and a browser that is needed to download other browsers. Recently, Microsoft completely refused to use this browser.

Microsoft Edge browser has replaced Internet Explorer. Microsoft is trying to promote Edge by implementing the most modern technologies into it. For example, the default Microsoft Edge search engine from Microsoft – Bing – recently introduced an onboard chat bot that uses the latest GPT-4 language model from OpenAI (the creators of Chat GPT).

But, apparently, Microsoft is not going to stop there. Recently, a dataminer under the pseudonym Albacore shared screenshots of a crypto wallet embedded in Microsoft Edge.

According to the screenshots, the crypto wallet is completely ready. It has a welcome page with instructions, a section for tracking actual crypto assets prices, a section for working with dApps and services for viewing thematic news and for working with marketplaces.

In an interview with Decrypt, Albacore said that the wallet is hidden from users, but it is embedded in the latest versions of the browser and works correctly.

“Considering I was able to use it just fine I’d imagine that a rollout is not out of question <…> [I] would hope that if it was a tiny trial they wouldn’t bother deploying the services to production.”

The fact that IT giants such as Microsoft are investing efforts in Web3 projects confirms that the cryptosphere is penetrating deeper into society and this can only mean good news. We believe that crypto is the future and we continue Observe.

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