


Web3   -   Feb 22, 2023 New YouTube CEO Is into Web3
Youtube new CEO Neal Mohan

A newly appointed YouTube CEO Neal Mohan is bullish on Web3 tech like NFTs and the metaverse.

Amazon AMZ token presale scam AMA44X AMA55X az44t scam AMX59K
Scam   -   May 24, 2023 Amazon Token Scam is Back and Spoofing CoinMarketCap’s YouTube Channel

Scam videos purporting to be from CoinMarketCap or Youtube bloggers are tempting viewers with access to an Amazon token presale… which obviously isn’t real, so please, please, please don’t send any cryptocurrency if you ever want to see it again.

Jack Martin
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Scam   -   May 24, 2023 Amazon Token Scam is Back and Spoofing CoinMarketCap’s YouTube Channel
Amazon AMZ token presale scam AMA44X AMA55X az44t scam AMX59K

Scam videos purporting to be from CoinMarketCap or Youtube bloggers are tempting viewers with access to an Amazon token presale… which obviously isn’t real, so please, please, please don’t send any cryptocurrency if you ever want to see it again.

Jack Martin
Web3   -   Feb 22, 2023 New YouTube CEO Is into Web3
Youtube new CEO Neal Mohan

A newly appointed YouTube CEO Neal Mohan is bullish on Web3 tech like NFTs and the metaverse.

Alex Harutunian
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