


Web3   -   Apr 09, 2023 Checking on Urbit
Checking on Urbit

Recently we’ve got an e-mail from Urbit, the alternative version of the internet that’s been under development for the last decade, with their latest achievements. Now we want to share them with you.

Web3   -   Mar 21, 2023 Traveling in the Urbit Universe
Urbit universe with ships galaxies stars planets moons and comets

Unlike "overpriced jpegs" and other collectibles, Urbit Planet is an NFT with a certain utility - it can provide you with a digital identity in the next internet space.

Urbit ustj
Web3   -   May 15, 2024 Urbit Unveils a Future of Decentralized Computing with Journal and LambdaConf Talks

Urbit explores a future of self-owned data and applications through its newly launched technical journal and developer conference talks, fostering innovation and delving into the technical intricacies of the unique ecosystem.

Mathilde Adam
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Web3   -   May 15, 2024 Urbit Unveils a Future of Decentralized Computing with Journal and LambdaConf Talks
Urbit ustj

Urbit explores a future of self-owned data and applications through its newly launched technical journal and developer conference talks, fostering innovation and delving into the technical intricacies of the unique ecosystem.

Mathilde Adam
Web3   -   Apr 09, 2023 Checking on Urbit
Checking on Urbit

Recently we’ve got an e-mail from Urbit, the alternative version of the internet that’s been under development for the last decade, with their latest achievements. Now we want to share them with you.

Sasha Markevich
Web3   -   Mar 21, 2023 Traveling in the Urbit Universe
Urbit universe with ships galaxies stars planets moons and comets

Unlike "overpriced jpegs" and other collectibles, Urbit Planet is an NFT with a certain utility - it can provide you with a digital identity in the next internet space.

Blockchain   -   Feb 11, 2023 How and Why Join Urbit in 2023?
Urbit logos with sign "Urbit_2023"

This February Urbit Team published a post sharing updated ways to run Urbit in 2023. We have checked it out!

Sasha Markevich
Web3   -   Sep 28, 2022 Urbit Back Again?
Urbit Assembly in Miami. Source: Twitter

Long time no see: Urbit, an ambitious project of “fixing” the internet that started in 2013 - a decade ago! - could be coming back to the spotlight.

Sasha Markevich
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