
Ton Space

Ton Space

Telegram TON Space Wall
Blockchain   -   Aug 15, 2023 TON Space: Self-Custodial Wallet and dApps Inside Telegram Messenger

Wallet on Telegram, a crypto wallet application integrated into Telegram Messenger, is beta testing its 'TON Space' self-custodial wallet. Besides managing digital assets, the new wallet promises blockchain-based apps within Messenger's user interface.

by Sasha Markevich
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Blockchain   -   Aug 15, 2023 TON Space: Self-Custodial Wallet and dApps Inside Telegram Messenger
Telegram TON Space Wall

Wallet on Telegram, a crypto wallet application integrated into Telegram Messenger, is beta testing its 'TON Space' self-custodial wallet. Besides managing digital assets, the new wallet promises blockchain-based apps within Messenger's user interface.

by Sasha Markevich
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