


SEGA partners with double and Oasys to create a new blockchain game
SEGA   -   Oct 18, 2022 SEGA Partners with Double Jump. Tokyo to Create Three Kingdoms Blockchain Game

Recently, the game developer ’double’, announced its partnership with SEGA and Oasys blockchain as part of plans to create a new blockchain game based on SEGA’s Japanese series – Sangokushi Taisen (Three Kingdoms).

Alex Harutunian
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SEGA   -   Oct 18, 2022 SEGA Partners with Double Jump. Tokyo to Create Three Kingdoms Blockchain Game
SEGA partners with double and Oasys to create a new blockchain game

Recently, the game developer ’double’, announced its partnership with SEGA and Oasys blockchain as part of plans to create a new blockchain game based on SEGA’s Japanese series – Sangokushi Taisen (Three Kingdoms).

Alex Harutunian
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