
Metamask Snaps

Metamask Snaps

New Metamask Features: Fiat Off-Ramp, PayPal And Cross-Chain Interoperability
DeFi   -   Sep 13, 2023 New Metamask Features: Fiat Off-Ramp, PayPal And Cross-Chain Interoperability

MetaMask is expanding its reach. The popular Web3 wallet has added a ’Sell’ feature to its Portfolio platform, has PayPal integrated and is currently preparing 'Snaps', which will allow users to interact with different blockchains from inside their MetaMask wallet.

by Sasha Markevich
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DeFi   -   Sep 13, 2023 New Metamask Features: Fiat Off-Ramp, PayPal And Cross-Chain Interoperability
New Metamask Features: Fiat Off-Ramp, PayPal And Cross-Chain Interoperability

MetaMask is expanding its reach. The popular Web3 wallet has added a ’Sell’ feature to its Portfolio platform, has PayPal integrated and is currently preparing 'Snaps', which will allow users to interact with different blockchains from inside their MetaMask wallet.

by Sasha Markevich
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