


“Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?
Decentralized Governance   -   Oct 29, 2022 “Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?

Hacker Avraham Eisenberg, as part of a team of other hackers, stole more than $100 million from the Solana-trading platform Mango and called it “a highly profitable trading strategy.”

Alex Harutunian
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Decentralized Governance   -   Oct 29, 2022 “Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?
“Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?

Hacker Avraham Eisenberg, as part of a team of other hackers, stole more than $100 million from the Solana-trading platform Mango and called it “a highly profitable trading strategy.”

Alex Harutunian
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