


Was Burning a Frida Kahlo Drawing for NFT Project a Bad Idea?
Web3   -   Nov 18, 2022 Was Burning a Frida Kahlo Drawing for NFT Project a Bad Idea?

Crypto businessman Martin Mobarak destroyed a Frida Kahlo drawing worth $10 million for his NFT project. Sadly, the project has so far sold NFTs for only $11,000, and Mobarak has broken Mexican law with his stunt.

Alex Harutunian
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Web3   -   Nov 18, 2022 Was Burning a Frida Kahlo Drawing for NFT Project a Bad Idea?
Was Burning a Frida Kahlo Drawing for NFT Project a Bad Idea?

Crypto businessman Martin Mobarak destroyed a Frida Kahlo drawing worth $10 million for his NFT project. Sadly, the project has so far sold NFTs for only $11,000, and Mobarak has broken Mexican law with his stunt.

Alex Harutunian
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