


Argentinian Low-Cost Airline Flybondi Is Issuing NFT Tickets
NFT   -   Apr 07, 2023 Argentinian Low-Cost Airline Flybondi Is Issuing NFT Tickets

The low-cost Argentinian airline Flybondi announced an expansion of its partnership with NFT ticketing company TravelX to issue NFTs for all airline tickets.

Alex Harutunian
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NFT   -   Apr 07, 2023 Argentinian Low-Cost Airline Flybondi Is Issuing NFT Tickets
Argentinian Low-Cost Airline Flybondi Is Issuing NFT Tickets

The low-cost Argentinian airline Flybondi announced an expansion of its partnership with NFT ticketing company TravelX to issue NFTs for all airline tickets.

Alex Harutunian
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