


How is Crypto Reported on Companies' Books
Regulation   -   Apr 28, 2023 How is Crypto Reported on Companies' Books

Crypto assets are a new and complicated category for accountants. Clear accounting and reporting guidelines are one of the signs of a mature industry. Currently, it is difficult to call US GAAP and IFRS guidance on crypto-assets comprehensive, but the work is ongoing.

Alex Harutunian
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Regulation   -   Apr 28, 2023 How is Crypto Reported on Companies' Books
How is Crypto Reported on Companies' Books

Crypto assets are a new and complicated category for accountants. Clear accounting and reporting guidelines are one of the signs of a mature industry. Currently, it is difficult to call US GAAP and IFRS guidance on crypto-assets comprehensive, but the work is ongoing.

Alex Harutunian
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