
Digital Art

Digital Art

Ethereum   -   Feb 22, 2024 Arbitrum Partners Oscar-Winner for Cryptoart Documentary and Metaverse
Arbitrum Partners Oscar-Winner for Cryptoart Documentary and Metaverse

The Ethereum Layer2 has announced that it will help finance New Here, a feature-length film project promising an in-depth look at the digital art space “through the lens of a new user falling down the crypto rabbit hole."

NFT   -   Nov 04, 2023 Speculation Caused NFT Art Boom (and Bust); Artists and Communities Must Keep it Alive
Artists NFT speculation Hommage Delacroi

While smug proclamations on the death of NFTs are an almost daily occurrence, this betrays an (incorrect) belief that the market was pure speculation from the start.

Beyond NFTs
Web3   -   Jun 17, 2024 Beyond NFTs: How Digital Art Is Evolving Onchain

Blockchain and NFTs brought digital art to the fore and caused a systemic shift in its markets. While NFTs are more commonly deployed for other use cases today, artists are using blockchain to explore new art forms, creating exciting pieces never before possible.

by Eva Senzaj Pauram
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Web3   -   Jun 17, 2024 Beyond NFTs: How Digital Art Is Evolving Onchain
Beyond NFTs

Blockchain and NFTs brought digital art to the fore and caused a systemic shift in its markets. While NFTs are more commonly deployed for other use cases today, artists are using blockchain to explore new art forms, creating exciting pieces never before possible.

by Eva Senzaj Pauram
Ethereum   -   Feb 22, 2024 Arbitrum Partners Oscar-Winner for Cryptoart Documentary and Metaverse
Arbitrum Partners Oscar-Winner for Cryptoart Documentary and Metaverse

The Ethereum Layer2 has announced that it will help finance New Here, a feature-length film project promising an in-depth look at the digital art space “through the lens of a new user falling down the crypto rabbit hole."

by Jack Martin
NFT   -   Nov 04, 2023 Speculation Caused NFT Art Boom (and Bust); Artists and Communities Must Keep it Alive
Artists NFT speculation Hommage Delacroi

While smug proclamations on the death of NFTs are an almost daily occurrence, this betrays an (incorrect) belief that the market was pure speculation from the start.

by Eva Senzaj Pauram
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