
Decentralized Governance

Decentralized Governance

Decentralized Governance   -   Oct 29, 2022 “Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?
“Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?

Hacker Avraham Eisenberg, as part of a team of other hackers, stole more than $100 million from the Solana-trading platform Mango and called it “a highly profitable trading strategy.”

Tornado Cash logo, hacker
Decentralized Governance   -   Jun 03, 2023 Tornado Hacker Seizes Control, Drains Loot, Votes Control Back to DAO

The hacker relied on users not reading an update proposal that essentially placed the DAO's governance under their personal control

Alex Harutunian
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Decentralized Governance   -   Jun 03, 2023 Tornado Hacker Seizes Control, Drains Loot, Votes Control Back to DAO
Tornado Cash logo, hacker

The hacker relied on users not reading an update proposal that essentially placed the DAO's governance under their personal control

Alex Harutunian
Decentralized Governance   -   Oct 29, 2022 “Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?
“Highly Profitable Trading Strategy" or Ordinary Theft?

Hacker Avraham Eisenberg, as part of a team of other hackers, stole more than $100 million from the Solana-trading platform Mango and called it “a highly profitable trading strategy.”

Alex Harutunian
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