On February 15, it became known that two stablecoins from Tether - XAUT and EURT became available on the Bitget exchange for trading cryptocurrencies.

Bitget exchange was founded in 2018. Now the centralized Bitget exchange is used by more than 8 million registered users. There are also 55,000 professional traders from more than 100 countries on the exchange. According to CoinGecko, to date, the daily trading volume on the exchange is more than $ 785 million.

Previously, USDT stablecoin from Tether was already available on the Bitget exchange. At the moment, Tether's stablecoin is in each of the 10 most active trading pairs of the exchange.

Rating of trading pairs on the Bitget exchange. Source: CoinGecko

The technical director of Tether, Paolo Ardoino, said that he was pleased with the appearance of stablecoins on Bitget, and also stressed that the appearance of XAUT and EURT on the exchange would contribute to its prosperity.

“By having access to the stablecoin that represents ownership of physical gold and the Euro-pegged stablecoin that’s backed by the same company behind the first, most stable and trusted stablecoin, we believe the Bitget Community is poised to continue to grow and thrive. We are thrilled to be launching XAU₮ and EUR₮ on one of the leading crypto derivative exchanges across the globe.” - said Paolo Ardoino, CTO at Tether.

As for the stablecoins themselves. Oddly enough, according to CoinGecko, the gold-linked XAUT has overtaken the euro-linked EURT in popularity. However, both stablecoins have not yet entered the top ten most popular.

EURT and XAUT rating among stablecoins. Source: CoinGecko

The market capitalization of XAUT, according to CoinGecko, today is $ 454 million, while the market capitalization of EURT is $ 220 million.

Not so long ago we wrote that XAUT was listed on the Turkish ICRYPEX exchange. We can say that in 2023, Tether is actively engaging in the distribution of its gold stablecoin, since we see that the stablecoin is being listed both on international crypto exchanges and on exchanges aimed at users of one country. Tether is one of the main players in the crypto market, so we will be continuing our observations of Tether's own stablecoins and will definitely inform you about the news!

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