The Cloudflare (cybersecurity provider) blog has an article about future experiments in web3. It announced support for the Ethereum network. Within a few months, Cloudflare will launch Ethereum validator nodes on the Cloudflare global network.

Cloudflare is a global network designed to make everything you connect to the Internet secure, private, fast, and reliable. The company has been conducting various experiments in Web3 for four years using their gateway to the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Three years ago, Cloudflare announced an experimental Ethereum Gateway. Both networks are part of Cloudflare’s Distributed Web Gateway tool set and are decentralized networks used for various operations.

“Currently, Cloudflare lets you host content on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and access it through your own custom domain. Similarly, the new Ethereum Gateway allows access to the Ethereum network, which you can provision through your custom hostname”.

Recently, a new article appeared on the Cloudflare blog, which talked about future experiments in web3 and working with Proof-of-Stake. Also, an announcement of partnership with the Ethereum network appeared in the article:

“Today, we are excited to announce the start of our experiments for the next generation of web3 networks that are embracing Proof of Stake; beginning with Ethereum. Over the next few months, Cloudflare will launch, and fully stake, Ethereum validator nodes on the Cloudflare global network as the community approaches its transition from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake with “The Merge.” These nodes will serve as a testing ground for research on energy efficiency, consistency management, and network speed.”

Don’t know what “The Merge” is? Welcome here.

Cloudflare plans to work on the Ethereum infrastructure to make the network safer, faster and more energy efficient. Also, one of their main goals of supporting Ethereum is to contribute to universal decentralization. The company also stated that this is just the beginning of support for a new generation of web3 networks, and Cloudflare plans to cooperate with other companies in the future.

“This is just the start of our commitment to help build the next generation of web3 networks. We are excited to work with our partners across the cryptography, web3, and infrastructure communities to help create the next generation of blockchain ecosystems that are environmentally sustainable, secure, and blazing fast.”

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