


Zuckerberg Reaffirms Commitment to Metaverse Despite Money Loss
Meta   -   May 03, 2023 Zuckerberg Reaffirms Commitment to Metaverse Despite Money Loss

Meta reported a nearly $4 billion loss from its metaverse unit with Reality Labs in what was otherwise a solid first quarter for Meta that posted a final profit of $5.7 billion.

Alex Harutunian
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Meta   -   May 03, 2023 Zuckerberg Reaffirms Commitment to Metaverse Despite Money Loss
Zuckerberg Reaffirms Commitment to Metaverse Despite Money Loss

Meta reported a nearly $4 billion loss from its metaverse unit with Reality Labs in what was otherwise a solid first quarter for Meta that posted a final profit of $5.7 billion.

Alex Harutunian
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