


Ex-Jam City Executives form Plai Labs to Create a Web3 Social Platform
Web3   -   Jan 29, 2023 Ex-Jam City Executives form Plai Labs to Create a Web3 Social Platform

Plai Labs, founded by former executives of gaming company Jam City and social platform Myspace, raised $32 million to combine Web3 and AI for a unique digital social experience.

Alex Harutunian
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Web3   -   Jan 29, 2023 Ex-Jam City Executives form Plai Labs to Create a Web3 Social Platform
Ex-Jam City Executives form Plai Labs to Create a Web3 Social Platform

Plai Labs, founded by former executives of gaming company Jam City and social platform Myspace, raised $32 million to combine Web3 and AI for a unique digital social experience.

Alex Harutunian
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