


Moneytech   -   Apr 24, 2024 Paypal's Stablecoin Is Still An Underdog Despite Native Integrations
Paypal's Stablecoin Is Still An Underdog Despite Native Integration.

PayPal and Paxos's promising stablecoin is lagging behind its rivals. PYUSD circulation has dropped, and new partnerships and integrations are rare and far from impressive.

SEC   -   Nov 04, 2023 Latest SEC Target is PayPal, as Subpoena Issued Over PYUSD Stablecoin
Latest SEC Target is PayPal, as Subpoena Issued Over PYUSD Stablecoin

The payment firm reported on Wednesday that it had received a subpoena from the SEC requesting information on its PYUSD stablecoin.

Moneytech   -   Jul 18, 2024 PayPal Pushes Its Stablecoin, Incentivizes Holding

Despite PayPal’s dominant position in the payments business, its stablecoin project, PYUSD, has stalled. Numerous integrations have not managed to attract users. The company is now subsidizing the stablecoin’s yield on DeFi platforms. Can this become a standard feature of private money?

by Alex Harutunian
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Moneytech   -   Jul 18, 2024 PayPal Pushes Its Stablecoin, Incentivizes Holding

Despite PayPal’s dominant position in the payments business, its stablecoin project, PYUSD, has stalled. Numerous integrations have not managed to attract users. The company is now subsidizing the stablecoin’s yield on DeFi platforms. Can this become a standard feature of private money?

by Alex Harutunian
Moneytech   -   Apr 24, 2024 Paypal's Stablecoin Is Still An Underdog Despite Native Integrations
Paypal's Stablecoin Is Still An Underdog Despite Native Integration.

PayPal and Paxos's promising stablecoin is lagging behind its rivals. PYUSD circulation has dropped, and new partnerships and integrations are rare and far from impressive.

by Sasha Markevich
SEC   -   Nov 04, 2023 Latest SEC Target is PayPal, as Subpoena Issued Over PYUSD Stablecoin
Latest SEC Target is PayPal, as Subpoena Issued Over PYUSD Stablecoin

The payment firm reported on Wednesday that it had received a subpoena from the SEC requesting information on its PYUSD stablecoin.

by Mathilde Adam
Stablecoins   -   Oct 03, 2023 Partners PayPal to Become Preferred Platform for PYUSD Partners PayPal to Become Preferred Platform for PYUSD teams up with PayPal and Paxos to become a preferred PYUSD exchange as the novel stablecoin conquers markets.

by Sasha Markevich
DeFi   -   Sep 13, 2023 New Metamask Features: Fiat Off-Ramp, PayPal And Cross-Chain Interoperability
New Metamask Features: Fiat Off-Ramp, PayPal And Cross-Chain Interoperability

MetaMask is expanding its reach. The popular Web3 wallet has added a ’Sell’ feature to its Portfolio platform, has PayPal integrated and is currently preparing 'Snaps', which will allow users to interact with different blockchains from inside their MetaMask wallet.

by Sasha Markevich
Stablecoins   -   Aug 08, 2023 PayPal Finally Launches Dollar Stablecoin After SEC-related Delays
PayPal PYUSDT stablecoin

On Monday, online payments processor PayPal announced the launch of its long-promised dollar-pegged stablecoin. The token was originally expected in Q1 2023, but was delayed following an SEC notice against issuing partner Paxos.

by Jack Martin
Adoption   -   May 10, 2023 PayPal Customer Crypto Holdings Jump Over 50% to Nearly $1B in Q1 2023
PayPal Customer Crypto Holdings Jump Over 50% to Nearly $1B in Q1 2023

The online payment processor is now holding almost half a billion dollars worth of bitcoin on behalf of its customers, along with ether, litecoin and bitcoin cash.

by Jack Martin
Stablecoins   -   Feb 18, 2023 PayPal's not-yet-launched stablecoin has stopped under the influence of Paxos’ Problems
PayPal logo next to a man.

Bloomberg journalists reported that PayPal suspended work on its own stablecoin amid the problems of Paxos and BUSD.

by Alex Harutunian
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