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3 Articles
Robinhood fires almost one in four employees as Retail Investors leave the app.
OpenSea is terminating 20% of its employees. The job cuts could be the consequences from the issues OpenSea faced, like the…
Curated NFT marketplace SuperRare has laid off 30% of staff, according to CEO John Crain, because the company overhired during the market upswing and could not sustain its growth recently.
Alex HarutunianCurated NFT marketplace SuperRare has laid off 30% of staff, according to CEO John Crain, because the company overhired during the market upswing and could not sustain its growth recently.
Alex HarutunianRobinhood fires almost one in four employees as Retail Investors leave the app.
Alex HarutunianOpenSea is terminating 20% of its employees. The job cuts could be the consequences from the issues OpenSea faced, like the…