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Crypto People

Aiden Pleterski Crypto King of Canada
Scam   -   Mar 29, 2023 Canada’s ‘Crypto King’ Kidnapped and Tortured for $3 Million

Aiden Pleterski, self-proclaimed ‘Crypto King’ of Canada, was kidnapped, tortured, and held hostage by angry investors in Ontario, Canada.

Eva Senzaj Pauram
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Scam   -   Mar 29, 2023 Canada’s ‘Crypto King’ Kidnapped and Tortured for $3 Million
Aiden Pleterski Crypto King of Canada

Aiden Pleterski, self-proclaimed ‘Crypto King’ of Canada, was kidnapped, tortured, and held hostage by angry investors in Ontario, Canada.

Eva Senzaj Pauram
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