


Adoption   -   Sep 28, 2022 Japanese Companies Will Be Able To Pay Salaries Via Apps
PayPay use case. Source:

Just about two weeks ago the Labour Policy Council discussed paying digital salaries to workers instead of traditional cash through bank accounts. Despite the fact that Japanese law permits only cash payments for salaries, businesses are allowed to use accounts at financial institution as recipients of the salary. Now that

More Online Retailers Accept Cash than Cryptocurrency
Adoption   -   Oct 10, 2023 More Online Retailers Accept Cash than Cryptocurrency

So much for Bitcoin being the currency of the internet. A recent report suggested that cash is accepted at more than twice as many online retailers as crypto, and the number is still growing.

by Jack Martin
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Adoption   -   Oct 10, 2023 More Online Retailers Accept Cash than Cryptocurrency
More Online Retailers Accept Cash than Cryptocurrency

So much for Bitcoin being the currency of the internet. A recent report suggested that cash is accepted at more than twice as many online retailers as crypto, and the number is still growing.

by Jack Martin
Adoption   -   Sep 28, 2022 Japanese Companies Will Be Able To Pay Salaries Via Apps
PayPay use case. Source:

Just about two weeks ago the Labour Policy Council discussed paying digital salaries to workers instead of traditional cash through bank accounts. Despite the fact that Japanese law permits only cash payments for salaries, businesses are allowed to use accounts at financial institution as recipients of the salary. Now that

by Observers
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