The meme-coin phenomenon has been dominating the crypto market this year, and despite many coins being completely absurd, the trend shows no signs of slowing down. Capitalizing on this craze, game developers are now creating games centered around meme tokens to attract more users to their ecosystems.

One of the latest entries in this realm is “World PvP,” a strategic and competitive game built on Base Layer 2. In this game, 211 countries compete in the crypto market to achieve the highest market cap over a seven-day period. The reward is the ability to launch a nuclear missile at a rival country.

Since its launch just over a week ago, World PvP has attracted more than 7,000 traders and generated over $30 million in trading volume. The gameplay is straightforward: players must pump their country’s tokens to achieve the highest market cap. 

At the end of each round, the country with the highest market cap wins the right to deploy a nuclear missile, effectively rugging the liquidity of the targeted country. When this happens, 50% of the ETH pulled from the targeted country’s liquidity goes to buy back the winning country’s tokens, while the other 50% is randomly distributed to another country on the map. The nuked country is then eliminated from the game.

The president of the winning country, determined by the largest token holder within its borders, decides which country to nuke. Each country has a closed, token-gated chat for internal communication and a general chat for interaction with all players.

In the first round, the United States emerged victorious and chose to nuke China, which was the second-largest country by market capitalization at the time. A total of 67.6 ETH was pulled from China’s liquidity, with 33.8 ETH going to the USA. Iceland was randomly selected to receive 33.8 ETH, and the USA was further awarded 61.8 ETH as a secondary prize.

A lucky player with the in-game name “limez,” who had accumulated just 0.15 ETH worth of Iceland’s tokens three days prior, sold his holdings for 16 ETH when Iceland received the random prize. This move netted him over $50,000 USD, achieving a 100x return.

The second round of the game is currently underway, with the United States again leading with a $1.14 million market cap. North Korea follows with a $203,080 market cap, and Cuba is in third place with a $143,000. It wouldn’t be surprising if the United States wins the second round as well and opts to nuke North Korea next.

Given the current standings, and with the competition only just heating up, it will be interesting to see how strategic alliances and rivalries evolve in the upcoming rounds of World PvP.

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