


Press Releases   -   Aug 13, 2024 Alchemy Pay Partners with Mesh to Enable Direct Crypto Payments from Exchange Accounts and Wallets

Alchemy Pay, the world-leading fiat-payment gateway, has announced a partnership with Mesh, the modern connectivity layer for crypto that makes payments and deposits seamless. Alchemy Pay has integrated the Mesh API into its crypto payment solution, enabling users to purchase goods and services at online and offline merchants using crypto

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Press Releases   -   Aug 13, 2024 Alchemy Pay Partners with Mesh to Enable Direct Crypto Payments from Exchange Accounts and Wallets

Alchemy Pay, the world-leading fiat-payment gateway, has announced a partnership with Mesh, the modern connectivity layer for crypto that makes payments and deposits seamless. Alchemy Pay has integrated the Mesh API into its crypto payment solution, enabling users to purchase goods and services at online and offline merchants using crypto

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